Adrian The Pin Up Princess

Adrian was dressed to pin up perfection for her 3 month photo shoot. This was going to be the first time Adrian would see me, since she slept through her whole newborn shoot. When Tiffany & Tim arrived with her, they pulled the cover off of her carrier so I could say hi. I bent down, looked into her eyes, and she was immediately terrified. She began to cry and I thought “Great Vanessa, way to start off this relationship.” I’m happy to say I won her over shortly after, so it all worked out. She did such a great job for us and when it was all over, her dad took her outside to bask in the sun. The true life of a model. I’m so thankful to Tiffany and Tim for letting me be a part of Adrian’s life. Life is such a blessing and the people we share it with make it that much more meaningful.

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So many couples to celebrate this year! I closed out 2018 with so much love. I always expect family portraits to be the number one

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