The Roland Family

When I received the call from Brian to book their family photos I was so excited. I have to say booking any appointment is exciting for me since I love my job and I especially love meeting new people. He was booking his family session from Florida, for his visit to San Antonio, and it wasn’t until I met him at the Japanese Tea Gardens that he told me the whole session was a surprise for his family. Boy were they surprised! We spent the evening capturing some awesome memories. I loved working with the Roland family and I am so happy to have captured these memories for them!

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Brian (48 of 204)

Brian (43 of 204)

Brian (53 of 204)

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Brian (109 of 204)

Brian (108 of 204)

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Brian (126 of 204)

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Tea Party With Alice

If you know me well, you know how deep my love for all children is. I love working with children because their imaginations are limitless,

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